Initially, as you might recall, the deadline to receive an additional 10 hours of Site Safety Training (SST) was Sept. 1, 2020. However, the social distancing guidelines and severity of the coronavirus pandemic made it difficult for construction workers to successfully meet that requirement. As a result, Building Skills New York along with its industry partners encouraged the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) to extend the deadline. The DOB agreed to move the deadline to March 1, 2021, which is now two weeks away. We want to remind everyone that time is running out to make sure they have obtained their additional 10 hours of training needed to meet this requirement.
Here’s why it’s so important that you pay attention to this deadline and don’t miss it:
Prevent Unsafe Conditions
Site Safety Training helps reduces the risk of injuries – and even fatalities – on construction sites. Since 2018, when New York City first required workers to take safety training courses, construction-related injuries have dropped 34 percent. The City also experienced a decrease in construction-related fatalities during this time.
Maintain Job Security
In order to work at most major worksites across all five boroughs in New York City, workers must have an SST card. Failure to meet the deadline can result in your employer not allowing you to enter the jobsite without valid proof of this training. The DOB issues penalties as high as $5,000 per untrained worker found on each jobsite. Don’t risk losing time on the job – and your paycheck – by failing to meet the deadline.
Boost Your Professional Resume
Having Site Safety Training under your belt is a great way to boost your resume and advance your career. It signals to employers that you’re paying attention to detail and that safety is always top of mind.