About Building Skills NY

Building Skills NY (BSNY) provides opportunities for New York City residents to enter and build a career in the construction industry. Through our network of employers and partners, BSNY recruits, places in employment, and provides training opportunities for community residents interested in developing a career in the industry. Candidates for employment are identified through community partners and schools that prepare individuals for employment in the industry. Our focus is two-fold. First, we seek to attract qualified, motivated men and women who are ready, willing, and able to work in the industry. We provide candidates access to jobs in the industry, and opportunities to grow into a successful, well-paying career. Second, we aim to identity, support and train the highest performing candidates to become productive employees of our member companies.

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Who is eligible?
How can I apply?
I completed the application, what’s next?
I will be attending an orientation event, what can I expect and what do I bring?

Who is eligible?

Interested candidates must meet some minimum requirements and be job ready.

  • 18 years of age or older.
  • NYC resident.
  • Eligible to work in the USA.
  • A minimum of a few months (4-6 months) work experience on a construction site or other relevant experience such as warehouse work.
  • SST Construction Certification (Original copy) – Also known as OSHA-40
  • Other construction certifications (Original copy).
  • Have an updated resume (Please include all recent and relevant experience, “off the books” construction site experience including job title and details, and all information is accurate).
  • Working cell phone.
  • Access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Hard Hat, Boots, Gloves, Safety Goggles.

How can I apply for BSNY jobs?

Candidates that meet the minimum BSNY requirements and would like to be considered for BSNY construction jobs are invited to complete an application online. After the application is completed, our staff will reach job-seekers for an initial interview which may include an invitation to an upcoming recruitment session. The application is here:

I completed the application, what’s next?

Once the application completed and submitted, job seekers will be contacted for an initial screening/interview.

If a job seeker submitted an application and has not heard back from a staff member within 3 business days, please feel free to reach out about your application at info@buildingskillsny.org or 212-776-4149

After being screened, candidates will be notified if they have been accepted into the BSNY pipeline to be considered and matched to BSNY jobs.

I am scheduled to attend a recruitment session, what can I expect?

Please review the information below to be prepare for your recruitment session:

  • Sessions begin promptly at 7:30 am. Late arrivals will not be admitted.
  • At the event you will meet our team and hear more about BSNY’s expectations. Then you will have a one-on-one interview with our team to be considered for our jobs.
  • Decisions on whether to accept you into the BSNY pipeline and match you to a BSNY job will be made based on your interview at this event. Please prepare accordingly. This recruitment and orientation event should be treated like an actual job interview. 

How can I improve my skills? 

We understand that many individuals interested in construction may not have had the opportunity to earn critical credentials or sharpen their skills. We partner with training providers, community-based organizations, and employers throughout the city to get job seekers the support and instruction they need. The map below shows skills training classes scheduled for fall 2024 through winter 2025. If you are interested in enrolling in a class, please fill out this form. To learn more about our skills training program, click here

I have other questions.

Please reach BSNY at 212-776-4149 or info@buildingskillsny.org